Director: Mark Waters | Stars: Lindsay Lohan, Jonathan Bennett, Rachel McAdams, Tina Fey. Zombieland (2009) Zombieland was another movie that took the zombie genre and twisted it into something funny instead of scary. Director: Chi Muoi Lo | Stars: Chi Muoi Lo, Sanaa Lathan, Paul Winfield, Mary Alice.

Our countdown i Top 35 Black/Dark Comedy Movies. Director: Ben Stiller | Stars: Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr. Another family-focused sitcom was My Wife and Kids, created by Don Reo and Damon Wayans, who also starred as the lead in the show. In the timeless classic, Eddie Murphy plays the role of an African prince.
Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Most Popular Video Games Most Popular Music Videos Most Popular Podcasts. RottenTomatoes' "The 100 Best Black Movies of the 21st Century" by SPPL_Featured - a staff-created list : The internet's largest review aggregator, working from a definition of "Black films as those that centered on African American stories and African American characters, or were made by Black filmmakers," has compiled a list of the 100 … Here are a few examples of ways you can filter the charts: The Top 10 Worst Black Comedies of All Time The Top 20 Worst Black Comedies of All Time Arsenic and Old Lace 1944, 118 min. Director: Stephen Milburn Anderson | Stars: Glenn Plummer, Byron Minns, Lexie Bigham, Vincent Craig Dupree. Wedding Crashers, starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, is another great romantic comedy from the 2000s. This comedy classic is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video. 530 views If You've Seen 34 of These Acclaimed Movies, Then You're a Certified Cinephile (BuzzFeed) 16,559 These 70 movies, including Fargo, Sorry To Bother You, and Wet Hot American Summer, are the best Dark Comedy movies for anyone with a dark sense of humor.Almost Famous won the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.